Zamierzone efekty uczenia się | WM-WEKON_1-_null_W01 | Srudents will be able to understand, analyze and assess the developments, actors, institutions and challenges of policy-making in general, and European integration in particular; acquire a solid understanding of the EU institutions, decision-making, policies and theoretical approaches |
Cel przedmiotu | C-1 | The aim of the course is to introduce participants to a study of the development of European Union economic policies since the end of World War II, putting the economic analysis into a historical perspective which emphasizes the responses of policy makers to external shocks like the Cold War, oil shocks, German reunification, and the collapse of the Soviet Union. The course shows also how the EU policy process continues to operate and to evolve in the enlargement context, with the associated need for institutional reforms. The main policy issues discussed in the course and accompanied by case studies focus on the Single Market, Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), Trade Policy, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Competition and Industrial/Enterprise Policy, Regional/Structural Policy, Budget and Taxation. |
Treści programowe | T-W-1 | 1. Conceptualizing European Economic Policies (2 hours)
EU Integration theories / Economic theories / Global economic integration
2. Introduction to EU Economic Policies – Overview and Basic Facts (2 hours)
Background to EU economic policies – Political and macroeconomic context / Limits and results of EU economic policies
3. Stages of EU Economic Integration – Constructing the Common Market (2 hours)
A Post-war starting point: the European Coal and Steel Community / Dimensions of the EC Customs Union / Completion of the Internal Market 1993 / Policy implications and spill-over effects
4. Stages of EU Economic Integration – the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and its policy-making (2 hours)
Maastricht Criteria and Three Stages of the European Monetary Union (EMU) / European Central Bank and European System of Central Banks / Introduction of Euro coins and bills 2002 / Relations between Eurozone countries and other member states
5. The external dimension of the Euro (2 hours)
Euro and international trade / Euro and the enlarged EU / Euro as a world currency and rival of the US Dollar?
6. The EMU Stability and Growth Pact, Macroeconomic Policy Coordination and the EU Lisbon Strategy (2 hours)
Conflicts about EMU Stability and Growth Pact / Difficulties of the Lisbon Strategy
7. Financing the European Union – the Community Budget (2 hours)
Budget contributions and spending / Budgetary Process / Financial Perspectives and enlargement
8. Competition Policy (2 hours)
European Commission as powerful guardian of EU competition rules / Market domination / State intervention / Recent developments – a renationalization of the EU’s successful policy?
9. Taxation Policy (2 hours)
Indirect Taxation / Direct Taxation / Tax Competition or Tax Coordination? / Should there be an EU Tax?
10. Regional and Structural Policy (2 hours)
Europe’s diverse regions / Economic and Social Cohesion / EU Structural Funds / The enlarged EU as a special challenge for EU Regional Policy
11. Industrial and Enterprise Policy (2 hours)
Concerns of Competitiveness / Small and medium sized enterprises / Information and Telecommunications industries
12. Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) (2 hours)
Reasons for special treatment of agriculture / Principles of the CAP / Recent CAP reforms / WTO negotiation strategies in the field of Agriculture
13. The European Union Consumer Policy (2 hours)
Consumer Protection as an element of the Common Market / Food Scandals in Europe / Precautionary principle / Impact on EU Trade Policy
14. The Common Commercial Policy and EU External Trade (2 hours)
Instruments of the Common Commercial Policy / European Trade Policy Process / European Union in the WTO
15. Brexit impact on European Economic Policies (2 hours)
Assessment of the impact of Brexit on euro area stability/Consequences for the EU budget/impact on trade policy and customs union |
Metody nauczania | M-1 | Lectures (based on ppt presentations, inter-activity and dialogue), Seminar discussions, Case studies. |
Sposób oceny | S-1 | Ocena podsumowująca: Research Essays (8-10 pages) must deal with one of several EU economic policy topics to be selected from a list given by the instructor. The research essays must meet certain academic standards suggested by the instructor. |
S-2 | Ocena podsumowująca: Durgin the course students' activity and ability to apply their knowledge in relation to the case shall be assessed |
Kryteria oceny | Ocena | Kryterium oceny |
2,0 | |
3,0 | Student correctly defines some concepts of european economic policies |
3,5 | |
4,0 | |
4,5 | |
5,0 | |