Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie

Administracja Centralna Uczelni - Wymiana międzynarodowa (S1)

Sylabus przedmiotu Basic Course of Metrology:

Informacje podstawowe

Kierunek studiów Wymiana międzynarodowa
Forma studiów studia stacjonarne Poziom pierwszego stopnia
Tytuł zawodowy absolwenta
Obszary studiów
Przedmiot Basic Course of Metrology
Specjalność przedmiot wspólny
Jednostka prowadząca Katedra Automatyki i Robotyki
Nauczyciel odpowiedzialny Artur Wollek <>
Inni nauczyciele Artur Wollek <>
ECTS (planowane) 4,0 ECTS (formy) 4,0
Forma zaliczenia zaliczenie Język angielski
Blok obieralny Grupa obieralna

Formy dydaktyczne

Forma dydaktycznaKODSemestrGodzinyECTSWagaZaliczenie
wykładyW1 15 2,00,62zaliczenie
laboratoriaL1 30 2,00,38zaliczenie

Wymagania wstępne

KODWymaganie wstępne
W-1Mathematics, Physics

Cele przedmiotu

KODCel modułu/przedmiotu
C-1To provide a basic knowledge in the field of metrology. The student learns: typical methods of measurement methods and tools necessary for analyzing the results of the measurements, as well as the current state and development trends in the field of sensors, transducers and measurement systems.

Treści programowe z podziałem na formy zajęć

KODTreść programowaGodziny
T-L-1Voltage and current measurement3
T-L-2Frequency, period and time measurement3
T-L-3Oscilloscope as a measurement instrument3
T-L-4Resistance measurement3
T-L-5Measurement of impedance components3
T-L-6Measurement methods of compensation3
T-L-7Magnetic measurements3
T-L-8Rotational speed measurement3
T-L-9Strain gouge measurement3
T-L-10Temperature measurement3
T-W-1Basic concepts of metrology, units and the measurement system, measurement standards.1
T-W-2Measuring scales. Basic methods of measurement.1
T-W-3Analysis of accuracy of measurement: systematic and random errors, the uncertainty of measurement.2
T-W-4Electrical quantities measurement. Measurement of the frequency, period and time.2
T-W-5Measurement of voltage and current.1
T-W-6Measurement of resistance and impedance.1
T-W-7Non-electrical quantities measurement. Classification of sensors and transducers for measuring non-electrical values. Static and dynamic properties of sensors and transducers.1
T-W-8Temperature measurement methods.1
T-W-9Measurement of rotational speed.1
T-W-10Pressure measurements.1
T-W-11Measurement of the magnetic properties of solids.1
T-W-12Measuring systems. DAQ cards in measuring systems.ADC and DAC converters. Interfaces in measuring systems. Software of the measurement systems.2

Obciążenie pracą studenta - formy aktywności

KODForma aktywnościGodziny
A-L-1Participation in Labs30
A-L-2Preparing to Labs10
A-L-3Preparing reports7
A-L-4Preparing to the final assessment3
A-W-1Participation in lectures15
A-W-2Individual work using different resources15
A-W-3Preparation to the final assessment10
A-W-4Consultations with the lecturer10

Metody nauczania / narzędzia dydaktyczne

KODMetoda nauczania / narzędzie dydaktyczne
M-1Lecture, Lab

Sposoby oceny

KODSposób oceny
S-1Ocena formująca: Lectures: grade, Lab: accomplishment of Lab tasks

Zamierzone efekty uczenia się - wiedza

Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięOdniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówOdniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształceniaCel przedmiotuTreści programoweMetody nauczaniaSposób oceny
The student can choose the typical measurement methods and appropriate sensors and transducers, as well as to assess the usefulness of new solutions for the implementation of the tasks associated with electrical engineering.
C-1T-W-1, T-W-2, T-W-3, T-W-5, T-W-7, T-W-8, T-W-9, T-W-10, T-W-11, T-W-6, T-W-12, T-W-4M-1S-1

Zamierzone efekty uczenia się - umiejętności

Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięOdniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówOdniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształceniaCel przedmiotuTreści programoweMetody nauczaniaSposób oceny
The student can choose the typical measurement methods and appropriate sensors and transducers, as well as to assess the usefulness of new solutions for the implementation of the tasks associated with electrical engineering.
C-1T-L-7, T-L-1, T-L-4, T-L-2, T-L-8, T-L-9, T-L-10, T-L-5, T-L-3, T-L-6M-1S-1

Kryterium oceny - wiedza

Efekt uczenia sięOcenaKryterium oceny
The student can choose the typical measurement methods and appropriate sensors and transducers, as well as to assess the usefulness of new solutions for the implementation of the tasks associated with electrical engineering.
2,0The average grade for answering questions in the exam is below 3. 00 (rounded to two decimal places)
3,0The average grade for answering questions in the exam ranges from 3. 00 to 3. 24 (rounded to two decimal places).
3,5The average grade for answering questions in the exam ranges from 3. 25 to 3. 74 (rounded to two decimal places).
4,0The average grade for answering questions in the exam ranges from 3. 75 to 4. 24 (rounded to two decimal places).
4,5The average grade for answering questions in the exam ranges from 4 25 to 4. 74 (rounded to two decimal places).
5,0The average grade for answering questions in the exam is graeter or equal than 4.75 (rounded to two decimal places).

Kryterium oceny - umiejętności

Efekt uczenia sięOcenaKryterium oceny
The student can choose the typical measurement methods and appropriate sensors and transducers, as well as to assess the usefulness of new solutions for the implementation of the tasks associated with electrical engineering.
2,0The average grade for answering questions in the lab is below 3. 00 (rounded to two decimal places)
3,0The average grade for answering questions in the lab ranges from 3. 00 to 3. 24 (rounded to two decimal places).
3,5The average grade for answering questions in the lab ranges from 3. 25 to 3. 74 (rounded to two decimal places).
4,0The average grade for answering questions in the lab ranges from 3. 75 to 4. 24 (rounded to two decimal places).
4,5The average grade for answering questions in the lab ranges from 4 25 to 4. 74 (rounded to two decimal places).
5,0The average grade for answering questions in the lab is graeter or equal than 4.75 (rounded to two decimal places).

Literatura podstawowa

  1. Evaluation of measurement data — Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement, JCGM, 2008
  2. Northrop R.B., Introduction to instrumentation and measurements, CRC Press, 2005
  3. Sidor T., Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, AGH, 2006
  4. Sydenham P.H., Handbook of Measurement Science, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1983
  5. The Metrology Handbook, ASQ Quality Press, 2004

Literatura dodatkowa

  1. Bewoor A.K., Kulkarni V.A., Metrology&Measurements, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009
  2. Kularatna N., Digital and analogue instrumentation testing and measurement, IEE, 2004

Treści programowe - laboratoria

KODTreść programowaGodziny
T-L-1Voltage and current measurement3
T-L-2Frequency, period and time measurement3
T-L-3Oscilloscope as a measurement instrument3
T-L-4Resistance measurement3
T-L-5Measurement of impedance components3
T-L-6Measurement methods of compensation3
T-L-7Magnetic measurements3
T-L-8Rotational speed measurement3
T-L-9Strain gouge measurement3
T-L-10Temperature measurement3

Treści programowe - wykłady

KODTreść programowaGodziny
T-W-1Basic concepts of metrology, units and the measurement system, measurement standards.1
T-W-2Measuring scales. Basic methods of measurement.1
T-W-3Analysis of accuracy of measurement: systematic and random errors, the uncertainty of measurement.2
T-W-4Electrical quantities measurement. Measurement of the frequency, period and time.2
T-W-5Measurement of voltage and current.1
T-W-6Measurement of resistance and impedance.1
T-W-7Non-electrical quantities measurement. Classification of sensors and transducers for measuring non-electrical values. Static and dynamic properties of sensors and transducers.1
T-W-8Temperature measurement methods.1
T-W-9Measurement of rotational speed.1
T-W-10Pressure measurements.1
T-W-11Measurement of the magnetic properties of solids.1
T-W-12Measuring systems. DAQ cards in measuring systems.ADC and DAC converters. Interfaces in measuring systems. Software of the measurement systems.2

Formy aktywności - laboratoria

KODForma aktywnościGodziny
A-L-1Participation in Labs30
A-L-2Preparing to Labs10
A-L-3Preparing reports7
A-L-4Preparing to the final assessment3
(*) 1 punkt ECTS, odpowiada około 30 godzinom aktywności studenta

Formy aktywności - wykłady

KODForma aktywnościGodziny
A-W-1Participation in lectures15
A-W-2Individual work using different resources15
A-W-3Preparation to the final assessment10
A-W-4Consultations with the lecturer10
(*) 1 punkt ECTS, odpowiada około 30 godzinom aktywności studenta
PoleKODZnaczenie kodu
Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięWM-WE_1-_??_W01The student can choose the typical measurement methods and appropriate sensors and transducers, as well as to assess the usefulness of new solutions for the implementation of the tasks associated with electrical engineering.
Cel przedmiotuC-1To provide a basic knowledge in the field of metrology. The student learns: typical methods of measurement methods and tools necessary for analyzing the results of the measurements, as well as the current state and development trends in the field of sensors, transducers and measurement systems.
Treści programoweT-W-1Basic concepts of metrology, units and the measurement system, measurement standards.
T-W-2Measuring scales. Basic methods of measurement.
T-W-3Analysis of accuracy of measurement: systematic and random errors, the uncertainty of measurement.
T-W-5Measurement of voltage and current.
T-W-7Non-electrical quantities measurement. Classification of sensors and transducers for measuring non-electrical values. Static and dynamic properties of sensors and transducers.
T-W-8Temperature measurement methods.
T-W-9Measurement of rotational speed.
T-W-10Pressure measurements.
T-W-11Measurement of the magnetic properties of solids.
T-W-6Measurement of resistance and impedance.
T-W-12Measuring systems. DAQ cards in measuring systems.ADC and DAC converters. Interfaces in measuring systems. Software of the measurement systems.
T-W-4Electrical quantities measurement. Measurement of the frequency, period and time.
Metody nauczaniaM-1Lecture, Lab
Sposób ocenyS-1Ocena formująca: Lectures: grade, Lab: accomplishment of Lab tasks
Kryteria ocenyOcenaKryterium oceny
2,0The average grade for answering questions in the exam is below 3. 00 (rounded to two decimal places)
3,0The average grade for answering questions in the exam ranges from 3. 00 to 3. 24 (rounded to two decimal places).
3,5The average grade for answering questions in the exam ranges from 3. 25 to 3. 74 (rounded to two decimal places).
4,0The average grade for answering questions in the exam ranges from 3. 75 to 4. 24 (rounded to two decimal places).
4,5The average grade for answering questions in the exam ranges from 4 25 to 4. 74 (rounded to two decimal places).
5,0The average grade for answering questions in the exam is graeter or equal than 4.75 (rounded to two decimal places).
PoleKODZnaczenie kodu
Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięWM-WE_1-_??_U01The student can choose the typical measurement methods and appropriate sensors and transducers, as well as to assess the usefulness of new solutions for the implementation of the tasks associated with electrical engineering.
Cel przedmiotuC-1To provide a basic knowledge in the field of metrology. The student learns: typical methods of measurement methods and tools necessary for analyzing the results of the measurements, as well as the current state and development trends in the field of sensors, transducers and measurement systems.
Treści programoweT-L-7Magnetic measurements
T-L-1Voltage and current measurement
T-L-4Resistance measurement
T-L-2Frequency, period and time measurement
T-L-8Rotational speed measurement
T-L-9Strain gouge measurement
T-L-10Temperature measurement
T-L-5Measurement of impedance components
T-L-3Oscilloscope as a measurement instrument
T-L-6Measurement methods of compensation
Metody nauczaniaM-1Lecture, Lab
Sposób ocenyS-1Ocena formująca: Lectures: grade, Lab: accomplishment of Lab tasks
Kryteria ocenyOcenaKryterium oceny
2,0The average grade for answering questions in the lab is below 3. 00 (rounded to two decimal places)
3,0The average grade for answering questions in the lab ranges from 3. 00 to 3. 24 (rounded to two decimal places).
3,5The average grade for answering questions in the lab ranges from 3. 25 to 3. 74 (rounded to two decimal places).
4,0The average grade for answering questions in the lab ranges from 3. 75 to 4. 24 (rounded to two decimal places).
4,5The average grade for answering questions in the lab ranges from 4 25 to 4. 74 (rounded to two decimal places).
5,0The average grade for answering questions in the lab is graeter or equal than 4.75 (rounded to two decimal places).