Administracja Centralna Uczelni - Wymiana międzynarodowa (S2)
Sylabus przedmiotu BIOCHEMISTRY:
Informacje podstawowe
Kierunek studiów | Wymiana międzynarodowa | ||
Forma studiów | studia stacjonarne | Poziom | drugiego stopnia |
Tytuł zawodowy absolwenta | |||
Obszary studiów | — | ||
Profil | |||
Moduł | — | ||
Przedmiot | BIOCHEMISTRY | ||
Specjalność | przedmiot wspólny | ||
Jednostka prowadząca | Katedra Bioinżynierii | ||
Nauczyciel odpowiedzialny | Arkadiusz Telesiński <> | ||
Inni nauczyciele | Beata Smolik <> | ||
ECTS (planowane) | 5,0 | ECTS (formy) | 5,0 |
Forma zaliczenia | egzamin | Język | angielski |
Blok obieralny | — | Grupa obieralna | — |
Formy dydaktyczne
Wymagania wstępne
KOD | Wymaganie wstępne |
W-1 | To understand Biochemistry, one must first study basic chemistry and cell biology. In addition, an understanding of the basic thermodynamic principles is essential for learning how plants derive energy from sunlight and how animals derive energy from food. |
Cele przedmiotu
KOD | Cel modułu/przedmiotu |
C-1 | The aim of Biochemistry is to understand life in molecular terms. The goal this course is possibility to describe the structure, organization, and functions of living matter in molecular terms. What are the chemical structures of the components of living matter? How do the interactions of these components give rise to organized supramolecular structures? How does living matter extract energy from its surroundings in order to remain alive? How are chemical reactions controlled inside living cells? There are the kinds of questions being answered by someone have been finished this course.The aim of Biochemistry is to understand life in molecular terms. The goal this course is possibility to describe the structure, organization, and functions of living matter in molecular terms. What are the chemical structures of the components of living matter? How do the interactions of these components give rise to organized supramolecular structures? How does living matter extract energy from its surroundings in order to remain alive? How are chemical reactions controlled inside living cells? There are the kinds of questions being answered by someone have been finished this course. |
Treści programowe z podziałem na formy zajęć
KOD | Treść programowa | Godziny |
laboratoria | ||
T-L-1 | Characteristic reactions of amino acids | 3 |
T-L-2 | Characteristic reactions of proteins | 3 |
T-L-3 | Characteristic reactions of nucleic acids | 3 |
T-L-4 | Characteristic reactions of carbohydrates | 3 |
T-L-5 | Characteristic reactions of lipids | 3 |
T-L-6 | Determination of some oxidoreductases and hydrolases | 3 |
T-L-7 | Determination of some vitamins | 3 |
T-L-8 | Determination of plant secondary metatabolites: polyphenols and flavonoids | 2 |
T-L-9 | Determination of plant secondary metabolites: alkaloids | 2 |
25 | ||
wykłady | ||
T-W-1 | Two types nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), – propertis and functions nucleotides and nucleic acids (replication, transcription, translation). | 2 |
T-W-2 | Proteins – (amino Acids, peptides and the peptide bonds, polipeptides). The primary level of protein structure. The three-dimensional structure of proteins. | 2 |
T-W-3 | Carbohydrates (monosacharides, oligosacharides, polysacharides). | 2 |
T-W-4 | Lipids, membranes, and cellular transport. | 2 |
T-W-5 | Enzymes: biological catalysts (vitamins as procoenzymes, metals as enzymatic cofactors, classification of protein enzymes, regulation of enzyme activity). | 2 |
T-W-6 | Introduction to metabolism. Carbohydrate metabolism I. Anaerobic processes in generating metabolic energy (Glycolysis – reactions and regulation). Metabolic fates of pyruvate. Oxidative processes: Citric Acid Cycle and Pentose Phosphate Pathway. Electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation, and oxygen metabolism. | 3 |
T-W-7 | Carbohydrate metabolism II. Biosynthesis (gluconeogenesis, glikogen biosynthesis). | 2 |
T-W-8 | Photosyntesis. Lipid metabolism: Fatty acids, triacylglicerols, and lipoproteins. | 3 |
T-W-9 | Plant secondary metabolism | 2 |
20 |
Obciążenie pracą studenta - formy aktywności
KOD | Forma aktywności | Godziny |
laboratoria | ||
A-L-1 | Participation in class | 25 |
A-L-2 | Preparations of lab conspects | 25 |
A-L-3 | Preparing to pass laboratories | 25 |
75 | ||
wykłady | ||
A-W-1 | Participation in class | 20 |
A-W-2 | Reading the specified literature | 15 |
A-W-3 | Preparing to pass lectures | 15 |
50 |
Metody nauczania / narzędzia dydaktyczne
KOD | Metoda nauczania / narzędzie dydaktyczne |
M-1 | Lectures |
M-2 | Laboratories |
Sposoby oceny
KOD | Sposób oceny |
S-1 | Ocena formująca: Pass laboratory conspects |
S-2 | Ocena podsumowująca: Tests |
Zamierzone efekty uczenia się - wiedza
Zamierzone efekty uczenia się | Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiów | Odniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształcenia | Cel przedmiotu | Treści programowe | Metody nauczania | Sposób oceny |
WM-WKSiR_2-_null_W01 The student knows the structure of macromolecules and can discuss their metabolism | — | — | C-1 | T-L-1, T-L-8, T-L-2, T-L-3, T-L-6, T-L-4, T-L-9, T-L-5, T-L-7, T-W-6, T-W-9, T-W-8, T-W-2, T-W-1, T-W-7, T-W-4, T-W-3, T-W-5 | M-2, M-1 | S-2, S-1 |
Zamierzone efekty uczenia się - umiejętności
Zamierzone efekty uczenia się | Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiów | Odniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształcenia | Cel przedmiotu | Treści programowe | Metody nauczania | Sposób oceny |
WM-WKSiR_2-_null_U01 Student uses basic biochemical concepts and can assay of macromolecules | — | — | C-1 | T-L-1, T-L-8, T-L-2, T-L-3, T-L-6, T-L-4, T-L-9, T-L-5, T-L-7, T-W-6, T-W-9, T-W-8, T-W-2, T-W-1, T-W-7, T-W-4, T-W-3, T-W-5 | M-2, M-1 | S-2, S-1 |
Zamierzone efekty uczenia się - inne kompetencje społeczne i personalne
Zamierzone efekty uczenia się | Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiów | Odniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształcenia | Cel przedmiotu | Treści programowe | Metody nauczania | Sposób oceny |
WM-WKSiR_2-_null_K01 The student can work in a team and demonstrate the ability to work in the laboratory division | — | — | C-1 | T-L-1, T-L-8, T-L-2, T-L-3, T-L-6, T-L-4, T-L-9, T-L-5, T-L-7 | M-2 | S-1 |
Kryterium oceny - wiedza
Efekt uczenia się | Ocena | Kryterium oceny |
WM-WKSiR_2-_null_W01 The student knows the structure of macromolecules and can discuss their metabolism | 2,0 | |
3,0 | Student knows the basic informations about organic compound metabolism in cell | |
3,5 | ||
4,0 | ||
4,5 | ||
5,0 |
Kryterium oceny - umiejętności
Efekt uczenia się | Ocena | Kryterium oceny |
WM-WKSiR_2-_null_U01 Student uses basic biochemical concepts and can assay of macromolecules | 2,0 | |
3,0 | Student can assay of macromolecules | |
3,5 | ||
4,0 | ||
4,5 | ||
5,0 |
Kryterium oceny - inne kompetencje społeczne i personalne
Efekt uczenia się | Ocena | Kryterium oceny |
WM-WKSiR_2-_null_K01 The student can work in a team and demonstrate the ability to work in the laboratory division | 2,0 | |
3,0 | Student can work in lab | |
3,5 | ||
4,0 | ||
4,5 | ||
5,0 |
Literatura podstawowa
- Mathews C.K., van Holde K.E., Ahern K.G., Biochemistry
- Stryer L., Biochemistry
- Nelson D.L., Cox M.M., Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
Literatura dodatkowa
- Voet D., Biochemistry, Wiley
- Garrett R.H., Grisham C.M., Principles of Biochemistry With a Human Focus, Brooks Core
- Stein G.S. [ed.], The Molecular Basis of Cell Cycle and Growth Control, Wiley-Liss