Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie

Wydział Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej - Chemical Engineering (S1)

Sylabus przedmiotu Technology, Law, and the Working Environment:

Informacje podstawowe

Kierunek studiów Chemical Engineering
Forma studiów studia stacjonarne Poziom pierwszego stopnia
Tytuł zawodowy absolwenta inżynier
Obszary studiów charakterystyki PRK, kompetencje inżynierskie PRK
Profil ogólnoakademicki
Przedmiot Technology, Law, and the Working Environment
Specjalność przedmiot wspólny
Jednostka prowadząca Katedra Technologii Chemicznej Nieorganicznej i Inżynierii Środowiska
Nauczyciel odpowiedzialny Beata Tryba <>
Inni nauczyciele Beata Tryba <>
ECTS (planowane) 2,0 ECTS (formy) 2,0
Forma zaliczenia zaliczenie Język angielski
Blok obieralny Grupa obieralna

Formy dydaktyczne

Forma dydaktycznaKODSemestrGodzinyECTSWagaZaliczenie
wykładyW2 30 2,01,00zaliczenie

Wymagania wstępne

KODWymaganie wstępne
W-1Basic knowledge about regulations and existing law in the European Union and all over the world related to the environment, chemical technology and safety in the working place

Cele przedmiotu

KODCel modułu/przedmiotu
C-1The aim of this course is focused on the general orientation about existed regulations in a working environment related to the technology, safety and man; the student will be aware responsibility for the work and some legal consequences in the case of incompatibility of the work in the industrial systems
C-2Student will be aware of the possible occurence of the risk at the working environment, especially in the industry
C-3Student will get knowledge about risk assesments during working with the toxic or dangerous substances and will be familiar with the good laboratory practise and the guidance for the safety work

Treści programowe z podziałem na formy zajęć

KODTreść programowaGodziny
T-W-1REACH regulation2
T-W-2Certification of products for safety2
T-W-3WHO Guidelines on Protecting Workers from Potential Risks of Manufactured Nanomaterials2
T-W-4Risk assesment of nanomaterials4
T-W-5FDA regulation2
T-W-6The toxic substances control act2
T-W-7The Occupational Safety and Health Act2
T-W-8Employment law in a working environment2
T-W-9Health and safety at work2
T-W-10European Union directives2
T-W-11Risk and mechanisms of crashes in the industrial installations4
T-W-12Reliability in the system of man-technics-environment4

Obciążenie pracą studenta - formy aktywności

KODForma aktywnościGodziny
A-W-1Participation in lectures30
A-W-2Individual literature studies10
A-W-3Preparation for exam8

Metody nauczania / narzędzia dydaktyczne

KODMetoda nauczania / narzędzie dydaktyczne

Sposoby oceny

KODSposób oceny
S-1Ocena podsumowująca: Written exam (in the form of test)

Zamierzone efekty uczenia się - wiedza

Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięOdniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówOdniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształceniaOdniesienie do efektów uczenia się prowadzących do uzyskania tytułu zawodowego inżynieraCel przedmiotuTreści programoweMetody nauczaniaSposób oceny
has knowledge about law and regulations at the working environment and other regulations such as REACH, directives of EU, OSH and FDA acts
ChEn_1A_W16C-1T-W-1, T-W-2, T-W-3, T-W-5, T-W-7, T-W-8, T-W-10, T-W-9M-1S-1

Zamierzone efekty uczenia się - umiejętności

Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięOdniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówOdniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształceniaOdniesienie do efektów uczenia się prowadzących do uzyskania tytułu zawodowego inżynieraCel przedmiotuTreści programoweMetody nauczaniaSposób oceny
knows and understand regulations and OHS rules applicable in industry and can apply it; can predict and asses the danger in the working place
ChEn_1A_U05, ChEn_1A_U11, ChEn_1A_U12, ChEn_1A_U13C-3T-W-1, T-W-10, T-W-11, T-W-12, T-W-4, T-W-9M-1S-1

Zamierzone efekty uczenia się - inne kompetencje społeczne i personalne

Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięOdniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówOdniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształceniaOdniesienie do efektów uczenia się prowadzących do uzyskania tytułu zawodowego inżynieraCel przedmiotuTreści programoweMetody nauczaniaSposób oceny
Is aware of responsibility for the taken decisions during work and their effect on the surrounded environment
ChEn_1A_K02C-2T-W-3, T-W-6, T-W-11, T-W-12, T-W-9M-1S-1

Kryterium oceny - wiedza

Efekt uczenia sięOcenaKryterium oceny
has knowledge about law and regulations at the working environment and other regulations such as REACH, directives of EU, OSH and FDA acts
3,0has basic knowledge about regulations, which were discussed during lectures in this course

Kryterium oceny - umiejętności

Efekt uczenia sięOcenaKryterium oceny
knows and understand regulations and OHS rules applicable in industry and can apply it; can predict and asses the danger in the working place
3,0The basic knowledge about regulations at the working place and their application

Kryterium oceny - inne kompetencje społeczne i personalne

Efekt uczenia sięOcenaKryterium oceny
Is aware of responsibility for the taken decisions during work and their effect on the surrounded environment
3,0The basic knowledge about the law at the working environment

Literatura podstawowa

  1. Nicholas A. Ashford, Charles C. Caldart, Technology, Law, and the Working Environment, Island Press, Island, 1996
  2. Steven Vaughan, EU Chemicals Regulation, New Governance, Hybridity and REACH, Faculty of Laws, University College London, UK, 2015
  3. J. C. Miller, R. Serrato, J. M. Represas-Cardenas, G. Kundahl, The Handbook of Nanotechnology. Business, Policy, and Intellectual Property Law, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005

Literatura dodatkowa

  1. Richard M. Cyert and David C. Mowery, Technology and Employment, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1987

Treści programowe - wykłady

KODTreść programowaGodziny
T-W-1REACH regulation2
T-W-2Certification of products for safety2
T-W-3WHO Guidelines on Protecting Workers from Potential Risks of Manufactured Nanomaterials2
T-W-4Risk assesment of nanomaterials4
T-W-5FDA regulation2
T-W-6The toxic substances control act2
T-W-7The Occupational Safety and Health Act2
T-W-8Employment law in a working environment2
T-W-9Health and safety at work2
T-W-10European Union directives2
T-W-11Risk and mechanisms of crashes in the industrial installations4
T-W-12Reliability in the system of man-technics-environment4

Formy aktywności - wykłady

KODForma aktywnościGodziny
A-W-1Participation in lectures30
A-W-2Individual literature studies10
A-W-3Preparation for exam8
(*) 1 punkt ECTS, odpowiada około 30 godzinom aktywności studenta
PoleKODZnaczenie kodu
Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięChEn_1A_B07_W01has knowledge about law and regulations at the working environment and other regulations such as REACH, directives of EU, OSH and FDA acts
Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówChEn_1A_W16Has knowledge necessary to understand non-technical conditions of engineering activity.
Cel przedmiotuC-1The aim of this course is focused on the general orientation about existed regulations in a working environment related to the technology, safety and man; the student will be aware responsibility for the work and some legal consequences in the case of incompatibility of the work in the industrial systems
Treści programoweT-W-1REACH regulation
T-W-2Certification of products for safety
T-W-3WHO Guidelines on Protecting Workers from Potential Risks of Manufactured Nanomaterials
T-W-5FDA regulation
T-W-7The Occupational Safety and Health Act
T-W-8Employment law in a working environment
T-W-10European Union directives
T-W-9Health and safety at work
Metody nauczaniaM-1Lecture
Sposób ocenyS-1Ocena podsumowująca: Written exam (in the form of test)
Kryteria ocenyOcenaKryterium oceny
3,0has basic knowledge about regulations, which were discussed during lectures in this course
PoleKODZnaczenie kodu
Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięChEn_1A_B07_U01knows and understand regulations and OHS rules applicable in industry and can apply it; can predict and asses the danger in the working place
Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówChEn_1A_U05Has the ability to learn, e.g. to raise professional competences.
ChEn_1A_U11Is able to notice systemic and non-technical aspects while formulating and solving engineering tasks.
ChEn_1A_U12Is able to apply basic legal regulations and comply with OHS rules applicable in industry; is able to asses risks related to using chemical products and processes.
ChEn_1A_U13Is able to perform an initial economic analysis of undertaken engineering activities.
Cel przedmiotuC-3Student will get knowledge about risk assesments during working with the toxic or dangerous substances and will be familiar with the good laboratory practise and the guidance for the safety work
Treści programoweT-W-1REACH regulation
T-W-10European Union directives
T-W-11Risk and mechanisms of crashes in the industrial installations
T-W-12Reliability in the system of man-technics-environment
T-W-4Risk assesment of nanomaterials
T-W-9Health and safety at work
Metody nauczaniaM-1Lecture
Sposób ocenyS-1Ocena podsumowująca: Written exam (in the form of test)
Kryteria ocenyOcenaKryterium oceny
3,0The basic knowledge about regulations at the working place and their application
PoleKODZnaczenie kodu
Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięChEn_1A_B07_K01Is aware of responsibility for the taken decisions during work and their effect on the surrounded environment
Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówChEn_1A_K02Is aware of their importance and understands non-technical aspects and consequences of engineering activity, including its influence on the environment and the related responsibility for the decisions taken.
Cel przedmiotuC-2Student will be aware of the possible occurence of the risk at the working environment, especially in the industry
Treści programoweT-W-3WHO Guidelines on Protecting Workers from Potential Risks of Manufactured Nanomaterials
T-W-6The toxic substances control act
T-W-11Risk and mechanisms of crashes in the industrial installations
T-W-12Reliability in the system of man-technics-environment
T-W-9Health and safety at work
Metody nauczaniaM-1Lecture
Sposób ocenyS-1Ocena podsumowująca: Written exam (in the form of test)
Kryteria ocenyOcenaKryterium oceny
3,0The basic knowledge about the law at the working environment