Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie

Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury - Architecture (S2)

Efekty uczenia się:

AUP_2A_W01Knows the principles of construction art, PN and EU norms and standards within the scope necessary for independent performance of design and planning tasks.
AUP_2A_W02Know building law, selected issues of property law and copyright law within the scope necessary for independent performance of design and planning tasks.
AUP_2A_W03Knows technical and technological conditions of design and planning.
AUP_2A_W04Has his/her own aesthetic views within the scope of theory of architecture and urban planning.
AUP_2A_W05Knows theory, elements and principles of architectural and urban composition.
AUP_2A_W06Understands spatial relations and the concepts of proportion as well as scale (also: human scale) in composition.
AUP_2A_W07Has wide vision of the evolution of European architecture and urban planning enriched with world examples.
AUP_2A_W08Knows the theory of conservation and revitalisation and the resulting principles and methods of working with historical buildings and complexes as well as designing in a historical environment.
AUP_2A_W09Understands the idea of cultural landscape, knows the specifics of regional diversities in a micro and macro scale.
AUP_2A_W10Within the scope necessary for independent performance of design and planning tasks, knows the planning systems applicable in Poland, its legal conditions and the process of determining the local spatial regulations.
AUP_2A_W11Within the scope necessary for independent performance of design and planning tasks, knows the course of the investment process for buildings of various scale and degree of complexity (from pre-design requirements to commissioning).
AUP_2A_W12Knows how a multi-discipline design team works and how multi-discipline cooperation progresses.
AUP_2A_W13Knows how a small business entity functions.
AUP_2A_W14Knows design and planning methodology, including computer and IT methods.
AUP_2A_W15Knows the areas of influence of design and planning on the society and the quality of individuals' life (perception, ergonomics, the needs of disabled people).
AUP_2A_W16Knows the evolution of aesthetic, architectural and urban planning ideas (until modern times), together with biographies of outstanding creators.
AUP_2A_W17Is up to date with modern materials and technologies, the latest world achievements as well as trends in modern architecture and urban planning.
AUP_2A_W18Knows the methods of obtaining, ordering and using technical information as well as other sources as a factual and workshop foundation.
AUP_2A_W19Knows the idea of sustainable development and implements it in the field of architecture and urban planning.
AUP_2A_W20Student has an extensive knowledge of humanistic content and in the field of other issues that complement technical education.