Wydział Biotechnologii i Hodowli Zwierząt - Biotechnology (S2)
specjalność: Biotechnology in animal production and environmental protection
Efekty uczenia się:
KOD | Wiedza |
BTap_2A_W01 | has an extended knowledge in the field of biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics and related sciences adapted to the biotechnology field |
BTap_2A_W02 | has an extended knowledge of economics, quality management, legal and other aspects, useful in the work of a biotechnologist |
BTap_2A_W03 | knows ethical, legal, economic and other conditions of importance in biotechnology |
BTap_2A_W04 | has detailed and ordered knowledge of the use of molecular, enzymatic and physiological processes of living organisms in biotechnology |
BTap_2A_W05 | has an extended knowledge about the structure, function and computer analysis of genes and genomes, as well as the influence of genetic factors on the formation of the environment |
BTap_2A_W06 | has knowledge of advanced laboratory methods, techniques and engineering tools allowing to perform technical tasks tailored to the biotechnology |
BTap_2A_W07 | has an extended knowledge of engineering processes, devices and technological lines used in biotechnology |
BTap_2A_W08 | has an extended and detailed knowledge related to the use of biotechnological processes and methods in various branches of science and industry |
BTap_2A_W09 | knows the research techniques and the principles of preparing and writing a scientific paper |
BTap_2A_W10 | shows advanced knowledge about the impact of human activity on the natural environment and its biodiversity |
BTap_2A_W11 | has extensive knowledge on the impact of biotechnology on human health and the functioning and development of animal and plant production |
BTap_2A_W12 | has enriched knowledge about genetic modifications and their significance for humans and the natural environment |
BTap_2A_W13 | shows an extensive knowledge on modern breeding which is important in the development of rural areas |
BTap_2A_W14 | knows advanced bioinformatics techniques and the possibilities of their use in the field of biotechnology |