Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie

Wydział Budownictwa i Inżynierii Środowiska - Civil Engineering (S2)
specjalność: International Construction Management

Efekty uczenia się:

B-A_2A_W01Knows and understands advanced and theoretically in-depth knowledge of mathematics and other areas of science, useful for formulating and solving complex tasks in the field of civil engineering
B-A_2A_W02Knows and understands advanced general knowledge in the field of civil engineering. Knows specialist terminology in a foreign language, consistent with the field of study
B-A_2A_W03Knows and understands the basics of continuum mechanics. Knows the rules of analysing the statics of surface and solid structures
B-A_2A_W04Knows and understands advanced general knowledge on the issues of structure modelling and theoretical principles of the Finite Element Method
B-A_2A_W05Knows and understands advanced general knowledge in the field of selected issues related to civil engineering
B-A_2A_W06Knows and understands advanced general knowledge covering the key issues assigned to the field of civil engineering
B-A_2A_W07Knows and understands the principles of managing construction projects in the technical and economic aspect
B-A_2A_W08Knows and understands the principles of analysis, construction and dimensioning of elements of complex structures and building objects
B-A_2A_W09Knows and understands advanced methods and computer programs used in solving complex tasks in the field of civil engineering
B-A_2A_W10Knows and understands advanced general knowledge of technical standards and norms appropriate for the studied specialization
B-A_2A_W11Knows and understands the principles of industrial production of building materials and products. Knows and understands the principles of production technology and execution of building elements and objects
B-A_2A_W12Knows and understands advanced general knowledge in the field of maintenance of facilities and systems typical for the specialization studied
B-A_2A_W13Knows and understands advanced general knowledge about development trends and the most important new achievements in civil engineering. Knows and understands the basic principles of creating and developing individual entrepreneurship in the field of civil engineering
B-A_2A_W14Knows and understands advanced general knowledge necessary to understand social, economic, legal and other non-technical conditions of engineering activities, including the impact of construction investments on the environment
B-A_2A_W15Knows and understands the principles of industrial property protection and copyright law
B-A_2A_W16Knows and understands advanced terminology in the field of ethics, law, economics, philosophy, sociology, art, design and culture