Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie

Wydział Biotechnologii i Hodowli Zwierząt - Biotechnology (S2)
specjalność: Biotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection

Sylabusy - pełny wykaz przedmiotów:

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
Basics of Scientific Informationprzedmiot wspólny
Bioethicsprzedmiot wspólny1 / 1
Business Ethicprzedmiot wspólny1 / 2
English Languageprzedmiot wspólny2 / 1
German Languageprzedmiot wspólny2 / 2
Health and Safety in Laboratoryprzedmiot wspólny
Lobbing in Public Lifeprzedmiot wspólny1 / 3
Procedures of Intellectual Property and Industrial Protection in Biotechnologyprzedmiot wspólny
Professional Ethicsprzedmiot wspólny1 / 4
Social Communication and Negotiation Techniquesprzedmiot wspólny1 / 5
Sociology of Cybersocietyprzedmiot wspólny1 / 6
Basics of Contemporary Microscopyprzedmiot wspólny
Bioinformaticsprzedmiot wspólny
Design of Experimentsprzedmiot wspólny
Ethic, Legal and Economic Aspects of Biotechnologyprzedmiot wspólny
Genomics and Transcriptomicsprzedmiot wspólny
Master Seminarprzedmiot wspólny
Quality Management Systems in Biotechnologyprzedmiot wspólny
Abiotic Stress in Environmental ProtectionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Animal EmbryologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Animal Nutrition in Relation to Efficiency Production and Environment ProtectionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Antibiotics and Antibiotic ResistanceBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Bioengineering in Animal ProductionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Biological DatabasesBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection7 / 1
Biological Methods Assessment of Environment QualityBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Biotechnology for Environment ProtectionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Cellular Engineering in Animal ReproductionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Diploma ThesisBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Environmental ToxicologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Enzyme EngineeringBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Genetic Markers for Food QualityBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection3 / 1
Genetic Responses to Environmental ChangeBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
In vitro and in vivo Methods in Toxicological Assessment of XenobioticsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection8 / 1
Medical MicrobiologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection4 / 1
Methods in Cytotoxity TestingBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Methods of Monitoring the Reproductive Processes in AnimalBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection8 / 2
Molecular Basic of EvolutionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection5 / 1
Molecular BreedingBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection5 / 2
Molecular Genetic Methods in DiagnosticsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection3 / 2
Molecular Modelling of EnzymesBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection7 / 2
Monitoring of Transgenic CropsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection6 / 1
NanobiotechnologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Plant PathologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection4 / 2
ProteomicsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Risks Resulting from the Use of GMOsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection6 / 2
Veterinary MicrobiologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection4 / 3

Sylabusy - wykaz przedmiotów wspólnych dla specjalności:

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
Basics of Scientific Informationprzedmiot wspólny
Bioethicsprzedmiot wspólny1 / 1
Business Ethicprzedmiot wspólny1 / 2
English Languageprzedmiot wspólny2 / 1
German Languageprzedmiot wspólny2 / 2
Health and Safety in Laboratoryprzedmiot wspólny
Lobbing in Public Lifeprzedmiot wspólny1 / 3
Procedures of Intellectual Property and Industrial Protection in Biotechnologyprzedmiot wspólny
Professional Ethicsprzedmiot wspólny1 / 4
Social Communication and Negotiation Techniquesprzedmiot wspólny1 / 5
Sociology of Cybersocietyprzedmiot wspólny1 / 6
Basics of Contemporary Microscopyprzedmiot wspólny
Bioinformaticsprzedmiot wspólny
Design of Experimentsprzedmiot wspólny
Ethic, Legal and Economic Aspects of Biotechnologyprzedmiot wspólny
Genomics and Transcriptomicsprzedmiot wspólny
Master Seminarprzedmiot wspólny
Quality Management Systems in Biotechnologyprzedmiot wspólny

Sylabus - wykaz przedmiotów dla specjalności Biotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
Abiotic Stress in Environmental ProtectionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Animal EmbryologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Animal Nutrition in Relation to Efficiency Production and Environment ProtectionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Antibiotics and Antibiotic ResistanceBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Bioengineering in Animal ProductionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Biological DatabasesBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection7 / 1
Biological Methods Assessment of Environment QualityBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Biotechnology for Environment ProtectionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Cellular Engineering in Animal ReproductionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Diploma ThesisBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Environmental ToxicologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Enzyme EngineeringBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Genetic Markers for Food QualityBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection3 / 1
Genetic Responses to Environmental ChangeBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
In vitro and in vivo Methods in Toxicological Assessment of XenobioticsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection8 / 1
Medical MicrobiologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection4 / 1
Methods in Cytotoxity TestingBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Methods of Monitoring the Reproductive Processes in AnimalBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection8 / 2
Molecular Basic of EvolutionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection5 / 1
Molecular BreedingBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection5 / 2
Molecular Genetic Methods in DiagnosticsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection3 / 2
Molecular Modelling of EnzymesBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection7 / 2
Monitoring of Transgenic CropsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection6 / 1
NanobiotechnologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Plant PathologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection4 / 2
ProteomicsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Risks Resulting from the Use of GMOsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection6 / 2
Veterinary MicrobiologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection4 / 3

Sylabusy - wykaz przedmiotów niewchodzących w skład żadnego modułu:

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
Basics of Scientific Informationprzedmiot wspólny
Bioethicsprzedmiot wspólny1 / 1
Business Ethicprzedmiot wspólny1 / 2
English Languageprzedmiot wspólny2 / 1
German Languageprzedmiot wspólny2 / 2
Health and Safety in Laboratoryprzedmiot wspólny
Lobbing in Public Lifeprzedmiot wspólny1 / 3
Procedures of Intellectual Property and Industrial Protection in Biotechnologyprzedmiot wspólny
Professional Ethicsprzedmiot wspólny1 / 4
Social Communication and Negotiation Techniquesprzedmiot wspólny1 / 5
Sociology of Cybersocietyprzedmiot wspólny1 / 6
Basics of Contemporary Microscopyprzedmiot wspólny
Bioinformaticsprzedmiot wspólny
Design of Experimentsprzedmiot wspólny
Ethic, Legal and Economic Aspects of Biotechnologyprzedmiot wspólny
Genomics and Transcriptomicsprzedmiot wspólny
Master Seminarprzedmiot wspólny
Quality Management Systems in Biotechnologyprzedmiot wspólny
Abiotic Stress in Environmental ProtectionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Animal EmbryologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Animal Nutrition in Relation to Efficiency Production and Environment ProtectionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Antibiotics and Antibiotic ResistanceBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Bioengineering in Animal ProductionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Biological DatabasesBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection7 / 1
Biological Methods Assessment of Environment QualityBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Biotechnology for Environment ProtectionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Cellular Engineering in Animal ReproductionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Diploma ThesisBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Environmental ToxicologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Enzyme EngineeringBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Genetic Markers for Food QualityBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection3 / 1
Genetic Responses to Environmental ChangeBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
In vitro and in vivo Methods in Toxicological Assessment of XenobioticsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection8 / 1
Medical MicrobiologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection4 / 1
Methods in Cytotoxity TestingBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Methods of Monitoring the Reproductive Processes in AnimalBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection8 / 2
Molecular Basic of EvolutionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection5 / 1
Molecular BreedingBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection5 / 2
Molecular Genetic Methods in DiagnosticsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection3 / 2
Molecular Modelling of EnzymesBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection7 / 2
Monitoring of Transgenic CropsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection6 / 1
NanobiotechnologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Plant PathologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection4 / 2
ProteomicsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Risks Resulting from the Use of GMOsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection6 / 2
Veterinary MicrobiologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection4 / 3

Sylabusy - wykaz przedmiotów niewchodzących w skład żadnego bloku obieralnego:

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
Basics of Scientific Informationprzedmiot wspólny
Health and Safety in Laboratoryprzedmiot wspólny
Procedures of Intellectual Property and Industrial Protection in Biotechnologyprzedmiot wspólny
Basics of Contemporary Microscopyprzedmiot wspólny
Bioinformaticsprzedmiot wspólny
Design of Experimentsprzedmiot wspólny
Ethic, Legal and Economic Aspects of Biotechnologyprzedmiot wspólny
Genomics and Transcriptomicsprzedmiot wspólny
Master Seminarprzedmiot wspólny
Quality Management Systems in Biotechnologyprzedmiot wspólny
Abiotic Stress in Environmental ProtectionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Animal EmbryologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Animal Nutrition in Relation to Efficiency Production and Environment ProtectionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Antibiotics and Antibiotic ResistanceBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Bioengineering in Animal ProductionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Biological Methods Assessment of Environment QualityBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Biotechnology for Environment ProtectionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Cellular Engineering in Animal ReproductionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Diploma ThesisBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Environmental ToxicologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Enzyme EngineeringBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Genetic Responses to Environmental ChangeBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
Methods in Cytotoxity TestingBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
NanobiotechnologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection
ProteomicsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection

Sylabus - wykaz przedmiotów wchodzących skład bloku obieralnego 1

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
Bioethicsprzedmiot wspólny1 / 1
Business Ethicprzedmiot wspólny1 / 2
Lobbing in Public Lifeprzedmiot wspólny1 / 3
Professional Ethicsprzedmiot wspólny1 / 4
Social Communication and Negotiation Techniquesprzedmiot wspólny1 / 5
Sociology of Cybersocietyprzedmiot wspólny1 / 6

Sylabus - wykaz przedmiotów wchodzących skład bloku obieralnego 2

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
English Languageprzedmiot wspólny2 / 1
German Languageprzedmiot wspólny2 / 2

Sylabus - wykaz przedmiotów wchodzących skład bloku obieralnego 7

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
Biological DatabasesBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection7 / 1
Molecular Modelling of EnzymesBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection7 / 2

Sylabus - wykaz przedmiotów wchodzących skład bloku obieralnego 3

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
Genetic Markers for Food QualityBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection3 / 1
Molecular Genetic Methods in DiagnosticsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection3 / 2

Sylabus - wykaz przedmiotów wchodzących skład bloku obieralnego 8

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
In vitro and in vivo Methods in Toxicological Assessment of XenobioticsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection8 / 1
Methods of Monitoring the Reproductive Processes in AnimalBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection8 / 2

Sylabus - wykaz przedmiotów wchodzących skład bloku obieralnego 4

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
Medical MicrobiologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection4 / 1
Plant PathologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection4 / 2
Veterinary MicrobiologyBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection4 / 3

Sylabus - wykaz przedmiotów wchodzących skład bloku obieralnego 5

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
Molecular Basic of EvolutionBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection5 / 1
Molecular BreedingBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection5 / 2

Sylabus - wykaz przedmiotów wchodzących skład bloku obieralnego 6

PrzedmiotSpecjalnośćModułBlok/Grupa ob.
Monitoring of Transgenic CropsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection6 / 1
Risks Resulting from the Use of GMOsBiotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection6 / 2